There’s nothing more beautiful in this world than seeing a woman reach orgasm in your presence
It comes in Four stages. The advice, importantly, come from relationship therapist.
The first stage is what I call the Triumphant Entry.
This is the stage where you must have dribbled from your defence, through the midfield until you enter the Box 18.
That’s where the foreplay comes in. Your kisses, your necking. B*oobs sucking. Caressing. Till you find your tongue, fingers or d*ick in between her thighs.
The second stage is the Announcement Stage.
When you must have entered the Box 18, you still clear out some defenders, by dribbling the ball through them.
This is the stage where skill is important in clearing these obstacle. You could do a leg over to beat one obstacle. You could do a snake bite to beat another defender.
The main idea is to maneuver your way around these obstacles in the 18 yard box, so you can get a clear chance to shoot.
These skills include knowing how to use your tongue and fingers expertly. It includes finding her g-spot and making sure you hold on to it, because that’s the key to your end goal.
If you are really skilled, she starts announcing.
“Baby, I’m about to”
“Baby, yes! Baby, yes! Right there! I’m cu.mming. Oh my God, I’m cu.mming!”
The Arrival Stage.
This is the point where you actually shoot with every intensity in you to score a goal.
When she announces that she wants to, you increase the intensity of whatever skill you’re using. If it’s your fingers, you keep thumping that g-spot. If it’s your d*ick, increase the pace at which you are thrusting. If it’s your tongue, make sure it doesn’t leave that c.litoris.
What will follow next is a very loud scream indicating she has reached crescendo. If you have neighbors around, they are definitely going to hear it.
Of course, the scream follows by involuntarily clamping of her legs so tight.
Followed by incessant, uncontrollable vibrations of her lower body and her hands holding clutching tight to the sheets to stop her soul from leaving her body to heaven.
Her toe simultaneously starts to curl and bend backwards like an epileptic patient suffering from seizures.
If your finger or d*ick is inside of her, she would make an attempt to remove it, because too much pleasure is driving her crazy, but don’t let her. Keep doing what you’re doing till you feel her v*agina tighten so hard against what you’re using.
The Silent Stage.
After the arrival stage, comes the silent stage. She doesn’t say anything. She only keeps jerking forward like an old-rickety vehicle that is exhausted. You know how you jerk when you you have hiccup? That’s how it happens for them.
Then, she opens her eyes and looks at you
Shame on you if you’ve never made a woman experience orgasm!MORAL LESSON: I am chosen, I am Chosen , I am chosen.