FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOUR MAN’S SEX LIFE![Sex Drive Is High Most Of The Time, You Complain That Your Husband’s Demand For His Sex Drive Is High Too Frequently. You Feel His Crave For Sex Is Similar To His Need For Food, And You Can’t Help But Wonder If Sex Is The Only Thing He Thinks About. ????]()
![Sex Drive Is High Most Of The Time, You Complain That Your Husband’s Demand For His Sex Drive Is High Too Frequently. You Feel His Crave For Sex Is Similar To His Need For Food, And You Can’t Help But Wonder If Sex Is The Only Thing He Thinks About. ????]()
Most of the time, you complain that your husband’s demand for his sex drive is high too frequently. You feel his crave for sex is similar to his need for food, and you can’t help but wonder if sex is the only thing he thinks about.
Men and women in the areas of sex are wired differently. With these variations in mind, all you need to do is know how men see sex and understand how to relate with your own man. Sex is one thing husbands would ask more of.

Almost all husbands wish their wives can step up their sexual abilities and give them more at “bed time”. Your husband’s case is not different. Ask him and you will be surprised he is likely to be among the 92% of men who say they want more of sex.
– Sex of yesterday is for yesterday. While you are still enjoying the fulfillment of yesterday’s sex, your “lover boy” is already thinking of how to get another one. Remember, every man has a sex drive that is stronger than the average woman.
– A man’s sex drive is one of his strongest drives. You need to know that only a few things matter to a man than his sex life and the sex drive is stronger than any other “drive” in his body. This is the reason nothing really matters to most men whenever they want sex.
– Every man wants his wife to be romantic and involved in bed. No man will love to have a “bedroom failure” as a wife. No matter how religious they are, they want romantic, exciting and tantalizing wives.
– He needs routine sexual gratification the same way his wife needs routine acts of love, care and kindness. Just as you want him to be kind to you; he also wants you to be available in bed at least 2 or 3 times a week.
Crises arise when the wife wants the act of kindness before sex and the man wants sexual gratification before an act of kindness. My word for you wife is; break the cycle. Give him sex, and see if he won’t show you more love and care.