WORDS YOU SHOULD NEVER SAY TO A WOMAN...( Relationship Marriage Counseling)
“You are st√pid!”
“You are ugly.”
“You are not attractive to me anymore…”
“You are f@t!”
“What is that? Stretch mark?”
“”You are a failure in bed.”
“My EX is far better than you are.”
“I regret marrying you?”
“Why are your bre@sts sagging?” (Who sagged them?)
“You are a failure.”
“You are lazy!”
“You will never amount to anything in life!”
“You are a b@d wife”
“You are barren!” (If she is still looking for the fruit of the womb).
“You are a non-£ntity.” (Because she came from a poor background). So, Here comes Relationship Marriage Counseling :-
And so many other derogatory names I’m not comfortable typing. Women respond to words. Words can make a woman blossom or wither. There is no perfect woman anywhere! Virtuous women don’t drop from heaven, their husbands made them. If there is anything you don’t like about her, loving and prayerfully correct instead of abusing and destroying her self esteem!

Women are very concerned about their body image. They love to look beautiful to their man and sexually appealing to him as well. When you focus on the physical effects, criticize, condemn and abuse her, you register your rejection and her self esteem goes down to zero!
No woman thrives on abuse! She thrives on admiration, affection, compassion and love.
What are the areas she is doing exceptionally well? Appreciate her, admire her, sing her praises and she will be more confident to face her challenges and deal with her weaknesses.
Never use her family background against her. Her family means lot to her. Don’t compare her with your EX, if your EX is better, why did she dump you? Never tag her a bad wife or mother because she didn’t perform to expectation. Be careful what you prophesy on your wife because they will come to pass …he
shall have whatsoever he saith…” (Mark 11:23).
That you are facing challenges in your marriage does not mean you should regret your marriage; you are simply going through a phase and that phase will pass. Be careful with your utterances.
Many women are suffering from depression, paranoia, psychosis, mental disorder and satanic oppression due to the constant abuse they are experiencing in their marriages. It is like going through hell! Verbal abuse and rejection are like going through hell. No one experiences them constantly and keep sane!
A happy wife is a product of a wise, godly, mature husband.
Use your tongue wisely and your wife will blossom.
God bless you. Cheers!