1. Make sure your spouse never doubts your faithfulness. The number one impediment to a healthy sëx life is the thought of infidelity
2. Treat each other well when s£x is not the agenda. A healthy s£x life starts when you two are fully dressed, away from the bedroom
3. Do cheeky and naughty stuff together. Grab her butt when she least expects it, pass your hand on his pēnïs, rub each other on the nîpplês without warning
4. Call it løve making, don’t call it having s£x. That gives it a heart
5. Avoid pørnøgräphy. That makes you focus on each other and not depend on sounds and images from strangers to arouse you. It also makes you both feel special and heightens pure pleasure
6. Flirt together throughout the day. Send each other naughty messages. Turn each other on
7. Work on your look. Invest in lingerie, change your dressing to avoid monotony, stimulate visually
8. Use suggestive postures. Dance for and on your spouse. Lap dance, twërk, kata kiuno. Give each other an exclusive show
9. Maintain hygiene. Cleanliness will make you both look forward to licking, touching and løve making. Put on attractive scents
10. Have bedroom make overs. Switch up the look in your bedroom from time to time. Change your environment. Avoid monotony
11. Focus on romance and sensu@lity. Talk heart to heart, cuddle, please each other, listen, do sweet things. Don’t make the goal be an ørgãsm, make the goal be to make each other feel loved
12. Take it outside the bedroom. Don’t make løve only in the bedroom, do it in other rooms, book a hotel room, take a vacation, create new experiences
13. Take your time. Don’t rush through løve making unless it’s a quickie. Make it special
14. Know that tomorrow is another day. Don’t put pressure on yourselves incase the ørgãsm today comes too quickly or doesn’t come at all. Sëx is not a goal to score, lovemaking is about intimacy
15. Make out more. Kïss, touch, stroke, nibble on the ear lobe and neck, gently blow on each other if that brings pleasure. Focus not just on what is between the legs
16. Don’t talk about your séxuäl struggles and get stuck there. Act, no lamenting. Going on and on about how boring or little sëx you are having discourages the mind and sëx starts in the mind
17. Recap on how great the løve making was. Talk about the sensations you made each other feel. This will boost your confidence and help you both know what things to keep on doing to give each other pleasure.